
My First Week at Stratigens

Written by Shelley Quick | Jul 28

I started my internship at Stratigens on the 12th July 2022. Before starting the week, I was slightly anxious, for the reason that Stratigens is my first job related to what I will pursue after University. Fortunately, the Stratigens team were very friendly and made me feel welcome.

At the beginning of the week, I experienced an insight into every role within the company. From this, I gained knowledge about the company and the world of business which was useful. As a result, I decided to research about the company in more depth. Firstly, I found out about the company’s values. First and foremost, their number one priority is their customers. Secondly, the team is very transparent therefore, clients trust Stratigens. Also, they are curious as, “every day is a school day.” The team have taken an interest to learn from myself. The last value is that Stratigens is very persistent.

Throughout the week, I picked up on how to briefly use the complicated software. As a result of asking many questions about the program, I realised that there was no such thing as a silly question. In fact, the team preferred if I queried information as it leads to a better skill set and builds intelligence.

Before I joined Stratigens, I hoped that I wouldn’t be following the team around like a sheep and carrying out pointless tasks. A week later I can confidently confirm that I did not. Instead, I was set independent and grouped tasks which stretched my knowledge.

To add, I was treated like an adult and respected by every member of staff including, the founder of Stratigens, Alison Ettridge. This simple action has made me respect and admire the company a lot.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my first week at Stratigens and look forward to gaining more knowledge.