Alison Ettridge Jan 19 2 min read

Skills at the heart of business decision making

‘Talent risk’ is now the biggest inhibitor to business growth according to CEOs (KMPG CEO Outlook 2020). It surpasses supply chain risk and even climate change as a concern at the top. Although talent has long been on the CEOs agenda, the last 10 months have put people and skills truly at the heart of organisations.

But a disconnect between data on skills, people and locations means businesses are making poor decisions about how and where employees should work, especially in the current climate. From commercial real estate to new market entry, or even market exit, all need a wider view of the market with skills front and centre.

Skills data should not be restricted to an internal analysis of the capability gap. A combination of talent intelligence, business intelligence and strategic workforce planning is powerful and yet underutilised.

As we embark on a new year, with some big decisions to be made, why and how should we put skills at the heart of decision making?


The HR Director Magazine online features an article from our CEO, Alison Ettridge on why skills need to be front and centre of business strategy planning. This article is free to read online.